Very friendly Peanut
- Contact Details :
- Name : Dan Forman
- Phone : 0220437305
- Location : Laingholm
- Email :
- Pet Details :
- Name : Peanut
- Age : 6
- Breed : Staffy cross
- Gender : Female
- Fees :
Peanut is a 6yr old staffy, ridgeback, cross.
She is a medium sized dog and weighs around 30kgs.
She is quite a nervous dog coming from a rescue background.
She’s great with children.
She loves going on walks and needs a good run everyday.
She only barks when she needs to and is great company.
Unfortunately with our small home and second baby expected soon we need to rehome her so she gets the time and love she deserves.
For quiet households
Great With Kids
Likes to Investigate
Needs to feel secure