Looking for forever home!!
- Contact Details :
- Name : Alex service
- Phone : 02108382665
- Location : Manawatu
- Email : alexandshan@hotmail.co.nz
- Pet Details :
- Name : Marley
- Age : 1
- Breed : American bulldog cross boxer
- Gender : Female
- Fees :
Beautiful American bulldog cross boxer is in need of her forever home!! She is just over 1year old, grown up with 2 other dogs, cats and kids. She loves her walks and her rope. Our older dog has now started to dislike her and don’t want her to learn that is OK. We have been looking after her since she was a pup but never got picked back up and can’t have her anymore. She needs a chicken base diet and she is allergic to red meet, even the beef and lamb biscuits she can not have. It’s going to be sad to see her go but it’s for the best for her.
Enjoys cuddles
Good Family Pet
Great With Kids
Likes to Investigate
Loyal Companion
Needs to feel secure