Gentle Female Silver Tabby Needs New Home
- Contact Details :
- Name : Naylene Smith
- Phone : 0211115106
- Location : Waiotira, Whangarei
- Email :
- Pet Details :
- Name : Binky
- Age : 8 years old
- Breed : Silver Tabby
- Gender : Female
- Fees :
Hi! Will you adopt me? I’m looking for a nice, quiet loving home. My name is Binky and my human mom and dad are moving overseas. My parents would love to take me, and they’re very upset that they are leaving me behind, but they’re afraid I wouldn’t make the airplane journey without being frightened and very stressed out. I think I’m much better off without a long flight to Central America. My humans adopted me from the SPCA when my eyes were barely open, and now I’m 8 years old, spayed, healthy and all my veterinary injections are up to date. I live on a bush block with my best friend Tiny, a Foxy Cross Terrier, and we often sleep together with our parents, but in general I prefer to be an ‘only child’. I’ve never been in a cattery so I’m not sure how I’d get along with other cats, and most other dogs frighten me. I promise I’ll be very well behaved, I’ll sit in your lap and give you love nudges and if you live in the country, I’d love going on walks in the bush with you. I’ve never scratched anyone and I’m very chilled out, but I’m a rodent’s worst nightmare – I’m a great huntress!!!!!