Daschund x Labrador
- Contact Details :
- Name : Josh
- Phone : 02040157525
- Location : Rolleston
- Email : Joshualaby@hotmail.com
- Pet Details :
- Name : Dobby
- Age : 11 months
- Breed : Daschund x labrador
- Gender : Male
- Fees :
Daschund x Labrador looking for his forever home. High energy dog still in his chewing stage which we aren’t able to maintain. Our work schedules have us away from home and are unable to give him the time he needs for walks and care. He is toilet trained and de sexed. He still likes to jump up at you for attention. He chews anything he can get his mouth on so could possibly be better as an outdoor dog at least when you’re not home. He is fine overnight in the house just chews when he’s left alone during the day. He loves the kennels and is good around dogs. He does love a good cuddle which is when he’s at his cutest. All up to date with worming and injections are due in June. We have four training sessions coming up that you can attend with him if you like. Available for pick up in rolleston. Happy for visits on request.