Cute tabbies need homes
- Contact Details :
- Name : Valerie Kreger
- Phone : 0276932943
- Location : Rotorua
- Email :
- Pet Details :
- Name : Sissy, Gigi, Buddy
- Age : 3 years
- Breed : Domestic shorthair
- Gender : 2 girls 1 boy
- Fees :
- Adoption Fees : 0
- Medical Frees : 0
3 sweet tabby siblings are losing their foster home and urgently need to find their forever homes or new fosterers !! 3 years old, all desexed and well cared for. Have been fostered indoors for a year, fine with other cats.
This can’t be the end of their short lives 😞! I’m happy to help with food costs, litter etc- they just need a safe landing! Please reach out if you can help. Theyd be great indoor/outdoor cats- perhaps a farm or lifestyle block!
Rescue cats foster urgent
Enjoys cuddles
For quiet households